Do I need SSL certificate

Do I need SSL certificate for my website ?

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It is a cryptographic protocol that provides secure communication over the internet. SSL ensures that the data exchanged between a web server and a client (such as a web browser) remains encrypted and cannot be easily intercepted or tampered with by unauthorised parties. So do I need SSL certificate ? Yes

Note: HTTPS employs an encryption protocol for securing communications, known as Transport Layer Security (TLS), which was previously referred to as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). 


1. Benefits of SSL/TLS

Data Security

SSL/TSL guarantees that the interaction between a user’s browser and a website is both encrypted and secure, making it extremely challenging for unauthorised individuals to intercept and comprehend the transmitted information. This is especially important when exchanging sensitive data like passwords, credit card details, or any other personal information.

Authentication and Trust

Another benefit of SSL/TLS is that it offers authentication, verifying that users are connected to the intended website rather than a malicious imposter. It employs SSL/TLS certificates from trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) to confirm the website’s identity. This enhances user trust, assuring them that they are engaging with a genuine and reliable website.

SEO and Search Ranking

Although not directly related to security, using website with HTTPS can positively impact a client’s reputation in the market. Search engines, like Google, prioritise websites that utilize HTTPS when determining search rankings. Websites lacking HTTPS may be marked as insecure (although this is not always the case), potentially resulting in lower rankings and reduced visibility.

Privacy and Data Integrity

HTTPS safeguards the privacy and integrity of user data. Encryption prevents unauthorised parties from eavesdropping on or altering transmitted information, such as through Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks. This is particularly crucial when accessing websites over public Wi-Fi networks or shared connections where security risks are higher.

Compliance Requirements

Numerous industry regulations and data protection laws, such as the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), mandate the implementation of secure connections for sensitive data transmission. By adopting HTTPS, the client can ensure compliance with these regulations.

2. Where to purchase SSL/TSL cerificate?

Companies have the option to obtain an SSL/TLS certificate by selecting an agent, often their current hosting provider or domain registrar, to assist them in the process. However, it is not mandatory for the client to choose their current hosting provider. They can opt for any other authorised agent. Once the payment is made, the necessary information is verified, and the SSL/TLS certificate is assigned to the domain. Once activated, the certificate ensures that all website traffic is encrypted, reducing the risk of data breaches.

3. Different types of SSL/TLS certificate

When considering the purchase of an SSL/TLS certificate for your website, it’s crucial to carefully plan the number of domains and/or subdomains you intend to protect as part of your business operations. Keep in mind that subdomains, such as, are treated as separate domains and won’t be protected if you purchase a certificate for a single domain, like

Certificate Authorities (CAs), the entities that issue SSL certificates, offer a range of options to cater to different needs. For instance, providers like Sectigo (formerly Comodo) or Rapid SSL offer packages that can safeguard a single domain or multiple subdomains. CAs also provide varying levels of guarantees and two types of validation. Domain Validated (DV) and Organization Validated (OV). With DV, only domain ownership is verified, while OV involves verification of both company details and domain ownership.

If you have any additional questions, the broker that sells SSL/TLS certificates on behalf of Certificate Authorities will be able to provide further information.

Compare Sectigo SSL Certificates on Sectigo website

Compare Rapid SSL Cerificates on Rapid SSL website

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